Laser Fact Sheet

Introducing the LZ30 Therapy Laser
State-of-the-Art Treatment to Increase Health and Wellness, and Decrease Chronic and Acute Pain


What is LASER?
LASER is an acronym which stands for Light Amplification of Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It is a focused beam of healing light energy. It is "non-ionizing" meaning it does not collect in the tissues and so is very safe.

How does laser work?
The LZ30's infrared laser light works locally at the point of pain or wound site to reduce pain and speed tissue healing. The LZ30's red laser light is used to treat underlying causes, it stimulates the cells' mitochondria to create the (ATP) energy which cells need to heal and function at their peak. Your doctor may recommend laser treatments with a new injury to stabilize the injured area, speed up healing and reduce pain; or for chronic conditions to improve muscle strength, increase joint range of motion, and to reduce pain. 

How will it work for me?
The benefits of this most researched and proven wavelength for health and healing are widely known and varied. LASER benefits include:

  • increased energy of the cell and overall cellular healing
  • reduction of pain
  • relaxed muscles and increased range of motion
  • improved circulation 
  • accelerated healing of wounds and burns 
  • anti-oxidant = decreased inflammation
  • promotes collagen production for tissue repair

How many treatments will I require?
Dr. Londer may recommend once a day for serious acute conditions, or once weekly to begin the healing process. Or laser with your scheduled adjustments to maintain your adjustment longer. Clinical studies have shown that some patients may experience relief immediately. Dr. Londer doctor will evaluate and recommend as needed. 

Since laser therapy is global/body-wide therapy, many patients have also experienced improvement in conditions which were not part of your current treatment goal. 

You may notice we laser multiple areas to treat one condition including: the area of pain, the supporting muscle, and the nerve root associated with that muscle and pain point. This is because the muscle is the primary stabilizer of the joint (a typical pain point), and if the muscle is weak, it makes the joint susceptible to an injury, if there's already an injury, then a weak muscle may make the joint susceptible to inflammation. 

If you have pain, you likely have inflammation. Certain nerves are connected to certain muscles, and by lasering the nerve root associated with the muscle, the laser is delivering energy at both ends for most efficient healing.

What will I feel?
Ease of movement; greater strength; less pain. As with all healing modalities, patients respond at different rates and have different sensitivities. Some patients feel mild warmth, others a tingling sensation, and others--nothing at all; these are all normal and the laser is working to help the patient in all these scenarios. 

How long will the benefit of my laser treatment last?
Results can be immediate and last from days to weeks, in some cases--months. Sometimes the issue returns only if the patient re-injures that area. As with all therapies, patients respond differently and so some require several treatments to address the symptom as well as the underlying cause, while others respond with fewer treatments. 

How can I maximize my laser therapy?
Laser treatments are more efficient when the patient is well-hydrated because the laser's photon travels through the body's water molecule, and when the patient has a diet of "good" fat: butter, fish oils, etc., Vs. "bad" fat: trans or hydrogenated fat.

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